This harness, the haqihana harness, was a real surprise to me. It wasn’t actually something I’d heard of until Clean run reached out to me.

When they did, I was a little cautious because it looks pretty spartan, and I’m often not a huge fan of harnesses that aren’t padded, and don’t have multiple points – but I do like ‘long body’ harnesses that give really good freedom, and this fell into that category. So… I looked agreed to test it out.

And wow… Thank god I listened to Clean Run – I’m freaking glad I did because this harness was my dark horse – the gem I did not expect.

This is not a sponsored post, however, this harness was provided free of charge by Clean run in order for me to review!
This in no way changes or colours my opinion, as always what I say is true and honest

Introducing The Haqihana Harness

This harness has seriously stolen my heart, it’s wonderful, honestly. Lucy is my dog who has sensitive skin, if something will chafe? It will chafe on her, but the Haqihana harness has the softest nylon I’ve ever touched. I had to double-check that it was actually nylon!

Pros & Cons

The haqihana harness, imported from Italy, is a minimalistic harness that is designed to give strength, comfort and ultimate freedom of movement – and offers this wonderfully colourful option with pink and yellow and blue and purple! Normally Indie gets to test my harnesses (largely because he stands still and takes easy direction for pictures) but this one looked so good on Lucy that I just couldn’t resist it on her. It was a dream!


Very Adjustable (5 points)

One Point Of Attachment


5 Points Of Adjustment

Stainless Steel joints

Soft Nylon


Not crash-tested

Plastic buckles

Not Reflective

lucy wearing haqihana harness for dogs rainbow y-shape
Here’s Lucy wearing the Haqihana Harness, isn’t the rainbow colouring just gorgeous?

What I Love About The Haqihana Harness

Stainless Steel Joints & Attachment Points

One of the things that doesn’t get enough attention? Is what the joints are made of. And this harness does not compromise it at all.

Fixtures tend to be aluminium which offers waterproofness and lightness or steel which offers strength but not weather-proofness, rarely are they made of stainless steel which offers weather-proofness and the ultimate strength.

And guess what? The Haqihana harness is based on stainless steel. It’s seriously strong – and even the nylon doesn’t let it down.

Very adjustable

The only point on this that isn’t adjustable is the back piece. This actually makes it identical to the Perfect fit harness in terms of adjustability, though a lot less complicated to buy. In this instance, even with Lucy’s big ol’ chest we didn’t have a problem fitting it to her, to Shelby or to Indie.

Lucy was on the small side, and the chest strap was close to being about 2/3 to 3/4 out whilst everything else was tightened down to it’s maximum – so if you’re finding your dog is at their maximum measurements and is deep chested, move up a size.

Lucy “Treeing” a squirrel wearing the haqihana harness as she does – you can see a few more of the colours here, but you can also see the placement of the plastic pinch clips? they go a little longer than the ‘average’ harness which I like too, it takes the pressure they create on the back off of them and places it on the sides – which is effectively zero.

Long body style

I love, love, love the freedom of movement that this harness offers! The back piece pushes the length of the body down the rib-cage and means that there is zero restriction on shoulder movement, jumping, bouncing, sprinting and everything in between can be done without the harness getting in the way.

Soft But Strong!

Without sounding like a toilet roll advert, what this harness is constructed from Nylon 6, which is super strong and really soft to the touch – so much so that it’s actually the softest material of any I’ve tested. And whilst I’ve not tested the tensile strength (I’m trying to figure this one out! And can’t find the metrics for every haress I test, sadly), I can tell it’s tough.

It’s also good to note that Lucy is my most sensitive in terms of chafing? And this incredibly soft nylon hasn’t chafed on her at all.

Even down to the stitching, they’re all done properly, with full Box X Stitch, which is one of the strongest stitches you can use and can be made ensuring that this harness just doesn’t have a single weak point.

What I Don’t Love About The Haqihana Harness

No Reflectivity

Whilst there is a wide range of colours available for the Haqihana harness, it only has one reflective option – which is sad. Because this is a wonderful option for every day walks, but if you’re intending on walking roadside or at twilight or anything like that, this harness would need to be coupled with a high-vis jacket or similar in order to keep your dog visible in low light conditions.

It Is Spartan

Personally, I love the minimalism of this design. To me, simple design minimises opportunity for problems, as a system is only as strong as it’s weakest point. But it may make it not an option for you and I realise that!

If you need a front attachment point? This is a no.

If you’re looking for handles? Don’t do this one.

If you need a big chest plate? Nah-uh…

But what this harness does offer far outweighs it’s lack of features to my mind!

It Is A Little Pricey

It does cost $49.99.

I’ve test a lot of harnesses and this is one of the more pricey ones on offer. For an every-day harness is quite a lot – the ruffwear front range is $10 cheaper, the rabbitgoo is up to $15-20 cheaper – but the quality jump that comes with it is worth it in my opinion.

Haqihana harness on Lucy the coonhound, you can see the chest strap here is great for deep chested dogs like lucy!
Haqihana harness on Lucy the coonhound, you can see the chest strap here is great for deep chested dogs like lucy!

Do I Recommend Haqihana Harness?


I love love love this harness. Honestly, it’s one of the most robust harnesses I’ve ever put on my dogs. The only reason it’s not my top spot? Is because it doesn’t have a front attachment. Such a small, simple thing, but what this harness offers? Is so huge.

For me, the stainless steel connections are the biggest draw with the soft, gorgeous nylon would be the second best thing, and followed closely by the highly adaptable fit.

I can see pretty much every dog using this, from a border collie to a st. bernard (if it fits!), and I love how strong it is and I wouldn’t hesitate putting any of my enormous dog clients on it.

If you want the Haqihana harness, you can grab it over on Clean Run.

Not sure the Haqihana is for you, go see how it ranks compared to other harnesses and find the perfect choice for you and your dog

Author, Ali Smith

Ali Smith is the Positive Puppy Expert, dog trainer and is the founder of Rebarkable. She is passionate about helping puppy parents get things right, right from the start. To help create a puppy capable of being a confident and adaptable family member and keep puppies out of shelters.

Ali has won multiple awards for her dog training, and has had her blog (this blog!) rated as 2021 & 2022 worlds’ best pet blog!

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