The Calgary Human Society found Gary the cat as a kitten with a broken leg. After recuperating in foster care, Gary found a forever home with James Eastham in Canmore, Alberta and today is seen on social media in some of the most epic photos in the Canadian Rockies that we’ve ever seen. 

To say that Gary, the floofy age 8 house cat looks majestic is an understatement. Often, the green-eyed kitty appears with his adventuresome siblings, Duke, Doug, and Marge, the dogs and occasionally, Carl, the cat.

But, how does Eastham get Gary to pose ever-so majestically? 

“People often ask me how I get Gary to pose so well. The truth is I don’t. I just take a lot of pictures of him looking very silly and hope one of them turns out,” he says on Instagram.

In the Rockies

Images via Instagram/greatgramsofgary

So, for each breathtaking shot you see, many more came out goofy.

“Look Gary, everything the light touches is yours!”

“I already knew that” – Gary, probably.”

Fabulous in the Canadian Rockies

Gary Adventures as a Disabled Kitty

To see Gary now, you would never suspect that he was hit by a car and had to have his hip removed at 4 months old. But, he learned to walk again in foster care, met his present mom, and eventually hiked in the Rockies as an Adventure Cat. It all started with short walks outdoors, not too long ago – quite impressive to see him now!

“He gets around pretty well,” says Eastham. “I think it’s great that even disabled kitties can still have great lives.”

James Eastham with Gary via YouTube

James Eastham with Gary via YouTube

Now, he carries a tiny picture of himself as a kitten on his collar because his family doesn’t want Gary “to forget who he is.” As you might have guessed, his name comes from where he was born, Cal-Gary. Sometimes, his humans joke he’s a “Canadian Forest Cat,” but he’s actually a naturally floofy domestic long-hair.

“A lot of people ask if Gary wears a photo of himself on his collar. He does. Specifically, this photo.”

Gary as a kitten

“There is one true King of the North, and his name is Gary!”

Majestic kitty

Sometimes Gary Takes to Skis and the Water

This cat, nicknamed Garooo, GB, or Gar-bear, goes hiking in the snow-covered Rockies with his dog siblings, unafraid of snow or water. Sometimes, he skis with his humans, decked out in snow goggles, impressive gear, and always a leash. Likewise, Duke, Marge, and Carl have their own dashing gear. 

Gary the cat and Duke the dog

Gary with Duke wearing their fabulous snow gear

Well, you have to see Gary go skiing to believe it really.  

Video by Calgary Herald:

Gary’s Furry Adventuring Siblings

When Gary first came home, he was an indoor cat, but his family moved from the city to the mountains in 2018. Then, the adventures began, and as you can see, the family are having the time of their lives.

Gary the cat and Carl, his sibling

Gary and Carl

“Behold the majestic floof in his natural environment.”

Gary in the mountains

“Gary does his best impression of a mountain lion. So fierce! ???

Gary roars like a lion

In December 2019, Gary began adventuring with a new sister, Marge, the dog. Right away, you can see they did pretty good overall. Certainly, it’s impressive for their first outing together.

“This was Gary’s first adventure with his new sister, Marge. She really enjoyed having a cat exploring with her. Gary was maybe a bit less sure. Marge just wanted to play and didn’t understand why Gary didn’t seem as keen.”

With Duke and Marge

With Duke and Marge

Then, in March 2021, the family welcomed Doug, a young British lab. Immediately, Douglas fit right into the adventuring family too!

“One of Gary’s friends runs a rescue and had a dog that needed a foster home while rehabbing a leg injury.”

“We weren’t planning on getting another dog, but he got along so well with the cats, Duke and Marge, that he’s failed out of his foster into his forever home.”

“Douglas is a not-quite-one-year-old British lab. He’s a bit wild but very sweet. Welcome to the family Doug!”

Gary and siblings in the Canadian Rockies

In the back: Duke, Marge, Doug. In front: Gary and Carl

Gary the Cat Helps Other Shelter Cats

Importantly, a cause near and dear to Gary is helping other shelter cats, so he makes appearances at the Edmonton International Cat Festival, which raises money for cats in need. Over time, the cat has become so popular that he travels with his own social media manager, Linda Hoang, who organizes the festival. How wonderful is that?

Linda Hoang with Gary

Linda Hoang with Gary

Frequently, Gary’s social media shares helpful information and reviews too. For example, there are “mountain safety Saturday posts” for tips on adventuring with pets. Also, there are “medical Monday” posts about feline health thanks to VCA Canada Animal Hospitals. For example, there’s an informative post about senior cats featuring Carl the cat.

Who knows what amazing adventures this furry family will go on next? Many of us can only dream of living this large.

You can follow Gary on TikTok, InstagramFacebook and YouTube.

See them in action from Gary’s YouTube channel below:

Featured images: Instagram/greatgramsofgary


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